Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New Step by Step Roadmap for Ged Essay Samples Two Arguments

New Step by Step Roadmap for Ged Essay Samples Two Arguments The Ged Essay Samples Two Arguments Cover Up Generally, the paragraphs are short. Inside this section you will locate samples of essays belonging to several essay types and manners of formatting. Read both passages carefully. For organization, a fantastic resource for you is most likely the five-paragraph essay. If you would like to have a clearer idea about a GED essay, you need to take a look at the topics that you might need to discuss. It's simply called GED on the site. The content of your GED essay is the most crucial thing. Looking at ielts essay topics with answers is an excellent method that will help you to get ready for the test. Any of the above mentioned questions can be applied as a GED essay topic, and you ought to be prepared to react to such prompts. If you have issues with finding great GED essay ideas, seek advice from your professor or a teacher who can assist you. Sign up for some completely free on-line classes! GED Testing Service is almost always a good place to find superior GED essay topics. GED Practice Tests are the very best approach to get ready for your GED exam. GED isn't hard to pass if you only have the proper wisdom and follow it. The GED asks test-takers to write on a number of subject issue. Becoming stressed when writing might continue to keep your focus away from the task and affect the caliber of your essay. You're not given a choice in regards to what type of essay you will write. This essay demands the writer to appraise a certain concept, expound this, and set an argument associated with the idea in a very clear and concise way. We specializing in offering you the customized essay that you require. The very first step is to realize the concept of evidence, which comprises the reasoning and support for an argument. Fortunately, there are means to make this part simple for you. Be certain to include why it's strong support for this position. Observing this method will help save you lots of time and is useful in establishing a rational development of thoughts. The Ged Essay Samples Two Arguments Pitfall Use actual practice questions to acquire a sense for those kinds of questions asked. The most suitable selection of topic is very important. For evidence to be relevant, it has to pertain to the topic accessible. You ought to choose the sort of topic that's appealing to you. When it's tricky to compose an essay in 45 minutes, begin by taking more time. The writing section provides you 45 minutes to read a quick text and handl e the prompt. Taking a couple of minutes at the start to structure your essay can help you save you valuable writing time later. Along with regular essay instructions, a sample response is supplied for review. Due to the increasing number of individuals pursuing the GED, there's a demand for ideas on how to get ready for the test. Writing an essay for the literary part of the GED (General Education Development) test ought to be easy, as it's the same as writing another kind of essay for your class. More than being the end goal of an individual, gaining a GED certification has to be regarded as the launch of a nice and stable life. The perfect way to find out how to find a high Analytical Writing score is to have a look at a GRE essay sample, but doing so with no guidance can be overwhelming. New Step by Step Roadmap for Ged Essay Samples Two Arguments In writing a literature essay, you've got to be clear and concise, and you need to indicate the facets of the book that you mean to cope with. If you still believe that you aren't that good at writing, then you need to practice writing essays ahead of time and write at least one per day. The author employs the traditional five-paragraph essay format. This hiset essay example will provide you with a fantastic idea about what a thriving essay appears like. The author uses words that are precise and increase the essay. You don't need to be perfect, but you need in order to answer the question in essay form. Then identify which type of essay you need compose. If you realize that you are stuck in regards to writing an essay, request a person's assistance to assist you proceed through writing an essay.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on The Negative Effects of Violent Video Games

Video games have been a rapidly expanding industry since their inception in the 1970s. Along with their growth have come concerns about violent video games and their effects on aggression and violence in young people. The many school shootings have pushed this issue to the forefront, since the two shooters were avid players of video games. These events brought about the question: do violent video games induce aggression in youth? That’s the question I set out to answer by looking at research. The research shows that there is a link between playing video games and increases in aggression in adolescents. What implications does this fact have ethically? It means that video game producers and distributors need to be held responsible†¦show more content†¦Moreover, 68% of the most popular video games contain violence (Tamborini 336). So it is clear that many children have access to violent video games and they have a big impact on their lives simply because of the a mount of time spent playing them. The shooters at Columbine high school, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold frequently played violent video games such as Doom, and Harris even created a modification for the game. The modification allowed two shooters to use a large arsenal weapons to shoot unarmed civilians (Anderson 353). Is seems eerily close to the actual events that took place. But just because individuals who were involved in school shootings frequently played violent video games, it does not mean that video games increase aggression in people. We have to look to research to see if a link between the two exists. Unlike television and motion pictures, violent video games are a relatively new invention and studies on their impact are not as numerous. There has been a lot of such research on the effects of movies and television. Over five decades, research has shown that â€Å"even brief exposure to violent TV or movie scenes causes significant increases in aggression, that repeated exposure of children to media violence increases their aggressiveness as young adults, and that media violence is a significant risk factor in youth violence† (Anderson 354). These types of media do increase aggression and violence, but how do violentShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Violent Video Games1895 Words   |  8 PagesHow can violence within a video game benefit the player and what differences within other types of video games demonstrated to have beneficial factors? Introduction Today, entertainment surrounds people through their televisions, computers, phones and video games. Essentially, video games developed into several various genres causing today’s entertainment to crave an unique experience. But, violent video games, regarded as a controversial genre, causes more negative controversy within modernRead MoreNegative Effects Of Violent Video Games1869 Words   |  8 Pagesphones and video games. Essentially, video games developed into several various genres causing today’s entertainment to crave a unique experience. But, violent video games, regarded as a controversial genre, causes more negative controversy within modern society due to its glorified scenes of blood, killing, sexual context, and language than its counterparts. Not only does this minimize their favorable factors, but additionally, it generates a believable correlation between violent video games and aggressiveRead MoreNegative Effects Of Violent Video Games796 Words    |  4 Pagesparticular, playing video games has become an increasingly popular pastime for adolescents. According to the American Psychological Association, 97% of American adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 play video games (Scutti). However, there are many controversies surrounding the idea of playing video games. In today’s market, video games often contain violent themes, such as killing or stealing. This would include many shooting games, strategic games, and role-playing games. It is a popular beliefRead MoreNegative Effects Of Violent Video Games1045 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Violent video games in particular are extremely popular in the United States. Many of these games are designed for adults but wind up in the hands of children. We have to ask ourselves what impact violent video games have on the adolescent brain. Two lawyers debate in the Case of Brown vs. Entertainment Merchants Association, US Supreme Court (2010). Prosecutor Steven F. Gruel argues that there is a substantial amount of evidence to make the conclusion that violent video games cause adolescentsRead MoreViolent Video Games Have Negative Effects904 Words   |  4 PagesViolent Video Games Have Negative Effects For years gaming industries have been aiming towards entertaining people of all ages, especially children and adolescents. However, the definition of entertainment has changed drastically, from playing dodge ball outside to watching and playing video games in which people pretend to annihilate each other. Video game violence attracts and addicts young players, by affecting their behavior, and their development of social skills, to even affect their abilityRead MoreNegative Effects Of Violent Video Games712 Words   |  3 PagesHave you heard? Many people are debating whether or not Violent Video Games cause kids to be aggressive and violent. While others, like myself agree violent video games aren’t the problem of violence, real-life violence is. And therefore, you should to why, because Violent Video games allow kids especially boys to let out anger and relax themselves from emotions. It also helps entertain kids. And creates less real-world aggression. Kids already know the difference between virtual and reality byRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Violent Video Games Essays1274 Words   |  6 Pagessociety, and technology. All of these improvements have brought with them positive effects. Warfare has allowed oppressed people to rule themselves; medicine has saved countless lives with vaccines and treatment programs; education of societies has allowed people to make their dreams come true; and, advancements in technology have made the previous three possible. With these positive effects also come negative effects, which are seen on a grand scale. Advancement in warfare has caused numerous deathsRead MoreEssay on The Negative Effects of Violent Video Games on Children1990 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"Life is a video game. No matter how good you get, you are always zapped in the end† (â€Å"Video Game Quotes† 1). Over time researchers, psychiatrists, and parents have often wondered how damaging violent video games can be to the yout h in society. This is an important matter to people with children in their personal lives or work environment. These games have become a large risk factor for aggressive behavior in children. Researchers have been saying that video games do affect adults as well; howeverRead MoreEssay on The Negative Effects of Violent Video Games1529 Words   |  7 Pagesor what inspired these attacks on these innocent victims? This question has become an epidemic in our country. We live in a violent world and young people have easy access to it whether its on television, in music or on the Internet. But with the explosion of media entertainment in recent years, video games have come under scrutiny as to whether or not violence in video games numbs children and teens to the consequences of real-life violence. The answer to this question is yes. Young children andRead MoreViolent Video Games : Positive And Negative Effects On Children And Adolescents774 Words   |  4 Pagesgaming systems, viol ent video games have become well-liked by children and adolescents. The playing of violent video games has always been a controversial topic, but in recent years it has become a heated debate. Whether the playing of these games desensitize the player or not. Video games have been around since the late 1970s, however violent video games were introduced in the 1990s. In recent years the violence in games have increased along with the enhanced graphics making the games more realistic

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparison of Anee Sexton´s Poem Cinderella and Ernest...

â€Å"That story,† as used by Anne Sexton in her poem titled Cinderella, refers to tales of happily ever after, and challenges the existence such constant happiness. â€Å"That story† often referred to as a ‘Cinderella story,’ is the story of someone who is rescued from their unfortunate circumstances by someone or something. In Hills Like White Elephants, author Ernest Hemingway writes about a couple facing a life changing decision, where the man believes that if only the girl would agree to a â€Å"simple† procedure that things would be as before and they would be happy again. The couple in Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants, accurately illustrates Sexton’s suggestion that happily ever after is a facade. Most people are familiar with the Walt Disney version of Cinderella, where Prince Charming rescues Cinderella from her evil stepmother. Anne Sexton’s poem refers to the much darker story written by the Brothers Grimm, in which the women of the story go to violent extremes to get their man. One of Cinderella’s stepsisters cuts off her big toe, and the other her heal in an effort to fit into the slipper and thus marry the prince. I believe the point Sexton makes is that we are responsible for our own happiness, and a life free from challenges is not really lived. No matter how hard we try to fit into someone else’s idea of who we should be, we will never be truly happy unless we are true to ourselves. People continue to grow and change, and cannot stay frozen in a perpetual

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Logistics and Supply Chain Management for Demand Estimation

Question: Discuss about theLogistics and Supply Chain Management for Demand Estimation. Answer: Importance of Inventory Inventory is an essential component to every business balance sheet. In addition, it plays a major role in the daily operations of a business. A Manufacturing Company, like Wheeled Coach, keeps an inventory of raw materials used in the manufacturing of ambulances. Additionally, the company must also keep an inventory of the assembled ambulances. A company is bound to fail where the practice of inventory keeping has not been adopted. Inventory influences revenue and profits of an organization directly. The coach must keep an inventory of the raw materials used in the assembly of the ambulances. The data obtained is then compared with the output to determine revenue and the profits made by the company at a particular point in time. In business terms, profit is the sum of the total income and the subtractive variable costs. This implies that the ability of a company to generate profits is based on their ability to acquire inventory at the lowest price possible and sell the products at the highest possible price (Why Is Inventory Important, n.d.). Inventory keeping also helps in the management of the entire production process. On the same note, it is important to manage inventory in a cost-effective manner in order to maximize profits. For instance, too much inventory may be disadvantageous because employees will be paid more to organize the same. Inventory turnover is also essential to every company (Why Is Inventory Important, n.d.). For example, Wheeled Coach uses the inventory data to calculate the inventory turnover ratio. This ratio dictates the performance of the company through a certain period of time compared to other companies or the company itself. Excess Inventory at Wheeled Coach The Company uses IBM MAPICS MRP to generate reports concerning its inventory. This system was purchased by the company to help in improving the accuracy of inventory in the company. However, the Company is faced with inventory issues like excess inventory. The company has excess inventory as reported by the MRP. Excess inventory is described as any supply that exceeds the demand of the products. The company has excess inventory due to the previous methods of inventory data collection and management. The method was inaccurate and this leads to the company buying more raw materials that are required in the assembly of ambulances. This hypothesis is proven when the MRP is able to identify the excess inventory. In addition, the previous reports were inaccurate that many inventor items were not called out in the bills-of-material report. Wheeled Coach did not accurately monitor the inventory items. They were oblivious to the fact that demand for products has stages (Daniel, 2017). Additionally, the excess inventory was as a result of a decline in the life cycle of the product. With the decline in demand of the ambulances, the company failed to monitor the demand stages. This made the company run at risk of getting stuck with excess inventory (Daniel, 2017). According to iEntry Network (2010), excess inventory reduces the responsiveness of the company because the minimum time required to pull inventory is increased. Reducing Excess Inventory The plant manager, Lynn Whalen, ought to address the excess inventory issue. The company should focus all efforts to this sector in accordance with the MRP inventory report requirements. However, the state of zero excess inventories in a company cannot be realized in a practical setting (Reducing supply chain, 2009). The excess inventory, however, should not exceed one percent of the annual sale of that particular year. There are several methods that Wheeled Coach can employ to reduce excess inventory. The company must actively monitor the different stages of the demand of the ambulances. At launch, the demand for any product is low but grows exponentially to reach the growth stage. The end of the growth stage marks the start of maturity where the product does not experience major hikes in demand and thus the company ought to switch to a constant amount of raw materials as opposed to the increasing trend in the previous stages. During the decline stage, the Coach Company should also decrease the inventory in accordance with the demand of their ambulances to minimize excess inventory. Finally, the company should employ accurate inventory systems like the IBM MRP to avoid excess inventory due to inventory report errors. Material Requirements Planning software, MRP, is better adapted to planning the material requirements of a company. The IBM software is also capable of synchronizing the data with the whole lean manufacturing process of the company (Material Requirements Planning, n.d.). The advantages of this software include compatibility with both repetitive and non-repetitive schedules. The latter involves work orders for the non-production activities and the manufacturing activities (Material Requirements Planning, n.d.). Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) Enterprise Resource planning is an extension of the Materials Requirement Planning. This extension includes customers and suppliers, and this allows for the automation and integration of various business operations. In addition, the extension is designed to use the same database with the MRP system (Jeff, n.d.). It is efficient and crucial to any business in New Zealand because it is able to turn raw data into useful information in real time. 5the extension is also responsible for coordinating business operations. These operations range from the evaluation of suppliers to the process of a customer of invoicing. ERP has several modules, which include the basic material requirement planning system, the financial aspect, the human resources module, the supply chain management, and the customer relationship management. These modules can be customized to meet the business requirements and this gives the system some level of flexibility. In addition, integration of the system with warehouse management, electronic catalogs, quality management and logistics is possible. The integration is facilitated by the Enterprise Application Integration software (EAI). The system has more than a few advantages; for instance, it reduces transaction costs and increases the accuracy and speed of information delivery system (Jeff, n.d.). First, the ERP system helps business in defining business processes provided it is integrated into all the aspects of the business. In addition, it also ensures that the processes are undertaken in accordance with the set rules (Benefits of an ERP, n.d.). The aforementioned processes include planning, scheduling, production, and production and distribution of the products in New Zealand. Second, ERP is responsible for protecting the security and integrity of the business data through its well-defined security protocols. The automation of the business processes improves the productivity of the same through its efficiency and accuracy of the ERP system. Third, the ERP increases the overall performance of the businesses in New Zealand. Since ERP is an automated system, coherence is ensured and as well duplication and discontinuity is avoided (Benefits of an ERP, n.d.). Fourth, the ERP is responsible for producing quality reports and performance analysis to ensure business success. In other words, the ERP is able to provide the business with the necessary tools for smooth operation of the business. These tools also help businesses to provide a considerably good level of service to their customers. Fifth, the ERP, like many information systems, it is able to translate raw and meaningless data to useful information. This information gives full visibility between the supplier and the customer systems and as well improves the efficiency across the entire supply chain (Benefits of an ERP, n.d.). Difference between Manufacturing and Service Industry Supply Chain The supply chain in the service industry, like Arnold Palmer Hospital, is different compared to the manufacturing industry. The latter is mainly focused on the development of new product innovations. In addition, the supply chain also focuses on the efficiency through buyer-vendor collaboration. However, service industries put more emphasis on better products that achieve the economic targets. Among others, the tangibility of the products is a key difference. Service industries like hospitals produce intangible products, unlike manufacturing industries. Capital investments are made in the procurements stage in the manufacturing industry as opposed to the service industry. In service industry, most of the cost is used in manipulating information and developing relationships compared to procuring materials like medicine (Differences in Supply, n.d.). The service industry is least concerned with the shipping rates because they do not deal with tangible raw materials or products. However, manufacturers are obligated to negotiate better shipping rates in order to reduce the overall production cost. This is particularly because they deal with tangible raw materials and products. Optimization of the supply chain, in the manufacturing industry, is done through making the speedy delivery of products and reducing the overall cost of delivery. It goes without saying that all manufacturing companies incur a lot of costs dealing with inventory and thus must try to reduce these costs. Service industries do not have inventory and their supply chain optimization is differently. The companies are faced with virtual bottlenecks like intangible delays and duplicate approval loops. These bottlenecks can be overcome by speedy delivery of the intangible products (Differences in Supply, n.d.). Decision Making based on Economics. There are several bottlenecks that undermine or constraint decision making in Palmer Hospital based on economics. For instance, the company was faced with serious supply chain problems before forming its own corporation. The new corporation was able to save the company a lot of money by being able to secure contracts with local manufacturers at best pricing. The corporation controls all decisions of the company on an economic level and the hospital cannot be able to make personal decisions on an economic level. During, the first year of its inception, the company was able to save about seven million US. Dollars with only two major changes. The first change included the bulk savings through restructuring and staffing to ensure that the advantages went to its members only. Second, the corporation was able to strike good deals with vendors and thus ensuring savings. Role of doctors and nurses in the supply chain The doctors and nurses have a big role to play in the supply chain of the Palmer Hospitals. In essence, they should specify in details the commodities that should be supplied to the company to avoid the predicament the company was put into by their previous corporation. The corporation used to change their products suppliers every year and this resulted in the hospital getting different products every year. In some instances, the doctors and nurses were forced to work with products they were not familiar with. This may result in poor service delivery to the customers and thus decline in business. The doctors and nurses should thus prepare an inventory of the products the hospital requires and as well an inventory of the products used in service delivery like medicine. Palmer hospital has adopted the culture of including physicians and nurses in the decision-making process concerning the supply of products to the hospital since 2003. Introducing a new product into the supply chain The Hospital gives room for creativity and innovation which involves the introduction of new products into the supply chain. For instance, Dr. Smith must follow a well-defined procedure before incorporating the new hip replacement procedure in the surgery department. The mandate trickles down from the Healthcare Purchasing Alliance Corporation which allows Palmers hospital to be creative in its own way. The product must pass through the New Product Introduction process, which involves analyzing the scalability of the supply chain as well as listening to the customers views about the same. Pak n` Save supply chain strategy A supply chain strategy is an elaborative and iterative process that describes the cost-benefit trade-offs. The term should not be confused with supply chain management as it entails strategies on how the supply chain should operate in order to be able to compete in a business environment. Each and every business in New Zealand should have an elaborate supply chain strategy, for instance, the Pak n` Save Company. Pak n1 Save is a food warehouse that is owned and managed by the Foodstuffs cooperative. It is among the three major chains of supermarkets in New Zealand, among companies like Countdown and New World. Pak n` Save, deals with perishable raw materials, and as well perishable food products. This means that the supply chain strategy has to be different from the supply chain of durable goods as in manufacturing industries. The strategy is concerned with the effective supply of products of acceptable quality with the least possible cases of product waste. An effective strategy can be able to reduce costs for shelf life losses for this food warehouse. The Pak n` Save company should adopt a hybrid of push and pull supply chain strategy. The strategy has several advantages, among which include the reduction of uncertainty. Uncertainty reduction has the effect of reducing inventory on the safety of the perishable stock. In addition, the products are partially assembled according to the aggregate demand forecasts. These forecasts are more reliable and accurate than individual food product demand forecasts. This is what is called push strategy and is implemented in the early stages of the companys product assembly (Push-pull supply, n.d.). The major advantage of this hybrid strategy is the ability to minimize or completely overcome the disadvantages of the pull strategy and the push strategy as well. The assembly of the final product, in this strategy, is done based on the market information available on a specific product. This information defines the preferences and demand of a specific product to the customers. This strategy is thus suitable to food warehouses because it has the effect of reducing the total costs of perished raw materials and the finished products (Push-pull supply, n.d.). Conclusion Inventory is very important in every company and this call for a Materials Requirement Planning. The role of MRP is made sure the company has acceptable percentages of excess inventory. In addition, all companies should actively monitor products through their different demand stages. The ERP as an extension of the MRP has numerous advantages to a business including improving the overall performance of the company. 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